Hungary Customs Office: Nav Bakm Avi Bajai Szolg. Hely I. , Hungary

Hungary Customs Office in Nav Bakm Avi Bajai Szolg. Hely I.
, Hungary Taxation and Customs Address | Phone number | Email | Working hours

Address:Nav Bakm Avi Bajai Szolg. Hely I.
Csernak Mihaly Ter 15.
6500 Baja Del-alfoldi Regionalis Pks. (dar)
Hungary (hu)

Phone: Phone: +36/79/423-753


Business hours: Monday – Thursday: 07:30 – 16:00
Friday: 07:30 – 13:30

Map: View direction here

Fax : Fax: +36/79/425-563

Customer Care

Phone: +36 (1) 428-5100

Address: H-1054 Budapest, Szechenyi u. 2

Hungary official Customs Website :

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, Hungary Address or Phone number?
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