Republic of the Philippines Customs Office in Manila contact details, import/export requirements

Philippines Customs Office in Manila Address | Phone number | Email | Working hours

Address: Office of the Commissioner – G/F OCOM Building, 16th Street, South Harbor, Port Area, Manila

Hotline: (02) 87056000 [Customer Assistance & Response Service (BOC-Cares)]


Business hours: Monday – Friday: 8 AM–5 PM; Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Map: View direction here

Philippines Official Customs Website:

Electronic-to-Mobile Customs (e2m)

Phone: (02) 8705-6000

Philippine National Single Window

Telephone: (02) 705-6000

Accounts Management Office (AMO)

Landline: (02) 527-8402
Mobile: (Smart) 0921-679-2174; (Globe) 0945-498-6648

What is the processing time for Customs in Philippines?

  • For a proper documents, customs accepts the tariff classification, value of cargo, customs clearance can be accomplished in 3 -4 working days.

How much is customs tax in Philippines?

Philippines Customs System Overview

  • Based on UN’s SITC.
  • Equivalent to 12% of total landed cost.

What amount can you bring to the Philippines?

  • USD10,000

How to pay custom clearance fee in the Philippines?

  • In Philippines, Post Office has introduced the payment of customs duties and taxes through its Post Office website and mobile application.

Philippines Customs Import

What products are import in Philippines?

  • All goods may be freely imported into and exported from the Philippines without need for import and export permits, clearances, or licenses.

What are the types of Import?

According to CMTA,

  1. Free Importation and Exportation
  2. Regulated Importation and Exportation.

Philippines Customs Export

Is there an accreditation for one-time exporters?

  • Yes, accreditation for once-a-year exporters must be applied to the concerned accrediting agencies.

What documents are required for customs clearance?

  • Country of Origin or COO Certificate.

Which items can be exported in Republic of the Philippines ?

  • Semiconductors and electronic products, transport equipments, garments, chemical products, copper, nickel, abaca, coconut oil, and fruits.

What is the export duty in the Philippines?

  • Export duties imposed upon all export products under Section 514 of the Tariff and Customs Code, as amended, are hereby abolished, except the export duty on logs which shall continue to be imposed at twenty (20%) percent of the gross F.O.B. value at the time of shipment based on the prevailing rate of exchange.

How to export goods at the Bureau of Philippines Customs?


  • Exporting entities must first register with the Bureau of Customs’ Client Profile Registration System (CPRS).


  • To export goods, entities must first register with the Client Profile Registration System ( System (CPRS) of the Bureau of Customs (BOC).


Using the BOC Portal, the broker/exporter shall create a ticket for the submission of the following documents to the Export Division of the Port of Loading:

  • Print out of Export Declaration
  • Proforma/Commercial Invoice
  • Packing List
  • Other documents as may be required by the BOC


  • Ticket created by receiving clerk assigned to Customs Operations Officer.
  • ED retrieved from E2M Database for processing based on selectivity system.
  • Cleared cargoes paid duties and charges through Authorized Agent Banks.

Prohibited Import and Export items at Philippines Customs

(i) Written or printed goods containing any threat to take the life.

(ii) Instruments, drugs and substances designed, intended or adapted for producing unlawful abortion.

(iii) Negatives or cinematographic films, photographs, engravings, lithographs, objects, paintings, drawings or other representation of an obscene or immoral character.

(iv) Gold, silver or other precious metals or alloys.

(v) Any adulterated or misbranded food or goods for human consumption or any adulterated or misbranded drug.

(vi) Infringing goods

Philippines Customs Restricted Import / Export Products

  1. Dynamite, gunpowder, ammunitions and other explosives, firearms and weapons of war
  2. Roulette wheels, gambling outfits, loaded dice, marked cards, machines, apparatus or mechanical devices used in gambling or the distribution of money, cigars, cigarettes or other goods
  3. Lottery and sweepstakes tickets
  4. Marijuana, opium, poppies, coca leaves, heroin or other narcotics or synthetic drugs
  5. Opium pipes or parts of material.

How to become a customs and Border Force Officer in Philippines?

View how to become a custom officer, eligibility, duties/responsibilities in Philippines through the above link.

Contact Republic of the Philippines Customs Office on Social Media

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