How to become a customs and Border Force Officer in Italy?

Who is Border Police Service in Italy?

Border Police service in Italy is categorized into National Police (Polizia di Stato), the Carabinieri (Arma dei Carabinieri), the Financial Crime Investigation Unit (Guardia di Finanza).

It is the primary police force in charge of delivering police services, primarily to cities and big towns, as well as highway patrol, railways, airports, customs, and some waterways, as well as helping local police forces.

What are the duties/responsibilities of  Border Police in Italy?

1. Its tasks include investigating and enforcing the law, as well as ensuring the safety of the nation’s highway, rail, and waterway networks.

2. The Immigration and Border Police Service were established by the Department of Public Security to manage the flow of migrants into Italy.

3. to enforce the rules governing foreigners’ entry and stay in Italy

4. With various land, air, and maritime border police offices, the service functions at both a national and municipal level.

5. Passport control, residency permit issuance, and the prevention and control of illegal immigration are all part of the service’s responsibilities.

6. All crimes against cultural heritage should be avoided and combated.

7. Prevent and combat the issue and circulation of counterfeit cash both inland and across borders; and

8. Ensure that restrictions restricting personal liberty are carried out;

9. Ensuring that prisons and other correctional institutions are safe and secure;

10. Carry out protection and security services for people who work for the Central Administration of Justice.

Training/ procedure to become a border police officer in Italy?

The police academy and an advanced school for senior police officers provide recruit training. There are schools for cadet officers and technical operators to receive basic training, schools for teaching police specialties, schools for instructors, pilots, dog handlers, and mounted police officers, and a community police school.

Salary of a Border guard police in Italy?

In Italy, a Border Guard earns an average of €47,845 per year and €23 per hour. A Border Guard’s average annual income ranges from €34,431 to €58,892.


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